Chazz my dear Zimbabwe and South African girl (I really miss hr so much), Zelia and Isabel I and II, my Portuguese-German girls (miss you too girls but I can see you more...), Paz my dear Chile-Spanish Yoga Master (bbig hug), Manju, my dear Indian-American Yoga Master (what a Workshop... will never forget), Markus and Norbert, my dear German-Tuga lover-boys (biiiiiggggg huggggg...), Stefan my dear and recent Austria-Tuga colleague and friend (hope your dog help you on work... LOL+++), Nuno, my Tuga-African, Amelia and Nuno, the Tuga-English ones, Belita the Tuga-Canadian special one, andddddddd so many others around the WORLD!
Now it's the time to HUG & KISSSSS my dear Tuga-Mexican daughter Vanessa and also my daughter II Ms. Carolina, my Tuga-Canadian girl...
Let's stop with foreign loves and send a big hug to the Tuga friends that live in PORTUGAL, my dear Country and my great Passion!
And..., let’s also talk about the Portuguese ... my dear Brother Rui and Wife Zinha, my Sisters Ana and Elsa, the Nephews... Rodrigo, Gui, Guilherme, Ines, João, Camila, Mafalda, Diogo, Benedita, the million Friends I have and that I would not there to name as I will commit the injustice to forget a name, the Colleagues, ... and so on, and so on... some in Portugal and some in foreign countries...
Now you are thinking... she is CRAZY!!!!!
No..., not yet!!!! :D
I'm just HAPPY as PORTUGAL is now on semi-final of European Football Champions 2012!!!!
Hope they will be on the FINAL!!!!!
da Princesa!
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