Polícia de choque a carregar sobre os manifestantes, como se bater nas pessoas fosse a coisa mais natural do Mundo!!!! Nem queria acreditar quando ouvi e vi nos noticiários da noite!!!!
A polícia de choque regressou, agora com "as costas quentes" e, a forma de retribuir a um povo dócil e humilde que aceita passar mal em prol de um "futuro" incerto que lhe prometem, é esta! Malhar p'ra doer!
Eu que adoro ser Portuguesa de corpo e alma, sinto-me envergonhada nestes momentos trágicos! Lamentável e Triste!
da Princesa!
So my friends from other Countries can understand my pain, I will translate to English my post:
This is a post dedicated to Today's events in Lisbon, related with "Global Strike"... speechless!!! The Police just beat the participants on the manifestation, as beating in people was the most natural thing in the World!!!! I could not believe when I heard and saw the night news!!!!
The police just returned again, now with their back and shoulders "hot and protected", to attack the People. This is the best way they found to thank the gentile and humble PEOPLE that accepts to leave poor "now" in the name of an "uncertain future" that was promised to them! Beat to heart! That was their reply! I love Portugal from the bottom of my heart and I love to be Portuguese but today...
I fill shame for these tragic moments!
Kiss, from the Princess!
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